Wednesday, October 2, 2013 | By: Anita

Day two

Day 2: Educate us on something you know a lot about or are good at. Take any approach you like (serious and educational or funny and sarcastic)

I’ve become an expert at becoming invisible like so many middle aged women.

With my shy personality and my introverted tendencies, most people don't seem to notice me. Usually, I am quite content to stay in the background, and when I volunteer I am the who works behind the scenes, not out in the public eye.

With that there is the potential for a vicious cycle of feeling ignored, then feeling bad and drawing more inward/having less to say and that horrible feeling of never belonging anywhere.

After Krystle got married in June of 2010, Kyle & Darcy both left for college in September that same year, I had a bit of an identity crisis. Add to that, April 2012 and you have someone who according to society has certainly become invisible. Without kids living at home and not working out of the house somehow, you just vanish.

Every day we walk past people, and more often than I care to admit, I truly don’t “see” them, making me just as guilty of making others invisible as I have become invisible to them. We rush through life without giving those we run into another thought. After all, we have places to go, things to do, people to ….. mhmmmm. We are invisible to each other, simply because we refuse to see. We refuse to take the time, to slow life down.

At times, we each may feel as if a certain someone, or that society as a whole, has taken it upon themselves to make us feel invisible. I am not complaining, sometimes it can be advantageous to be unseen. But being ignored by someone whose attention means the world to you is hurtful. The worst feeling is not being alone, it's being forgotten.

It’s a cliché, but men grow in dignity as they get older, while women just disappear.
