Thursday, March 30, 2017 | By: Anita

So here I am...

Still blogging.

Some people take to it like a duck takes to water.  And of all the people I knew to start a blog  when I did, who would have thought that I would still be here 10 years later?!?

Certainly not me.

And yet ...

It’s been a good thing this blogging.

Over the years my blogging has evolved.  I can see how my writing has changed.  How my format has changed. Even the graphics have changed.  But the biggest change would be how God has developed something that I am truly blessed by.  

Blog Land was where I belonged.  It was in 2007, when I started and I had no idea what I was doing exactly, but I went for it. I found it to be a place of comfort and inspiration.  

Sometimes we may think that we’d never be good at something, it just isn’t “our thing.” But God knows our hearts, and He wanted me to write.  He knew how much it would fulfill me.  

Blogging has been an incredible gift to me.  I’ve enjoyed writing about my life, sharing some of my favourite moments of our family and leaving a bit of legacy here.  It’s been quite a journey, one I never expected taking in the first place.

I’ve LOVED writing! Still do, but I must admit, it’s getting lower on my priority list. Because for some time now, I’ve been feeling, like maybe it’s time to let this go.  It’s become more of a chore than it should be.  Perhaps I expected the process and results to be similar to what it once was.  

I’m hesitant, because I’ve become sentimental about this blog and I’m proud of the work I’ve done here. I’ve identified myself for so long with this blog, that if I’m being honest, I’m struggling with letting it go. But as I started watching for the signs and thinking over the decision, it became more clear that calling this blog “finished” is the right thing.

It’s time.  

Thank you to those who followed, commented, and encouraged me.

To everything there is a season, and my time here is done…

Take Care 

Tuesday, March 28, 2017 | By: Anita

Just be...

Living with a chronic illness, where each day is a battle, can really start to wear on a person. It’s easy to be a person on the outside, making assumptions. I get it. I’ve been there... still am to some extent. We see what’s in front of us and make our judgments. However, in doing so, we fail to grasp the full picture.
My type A personality keeps me on my toes as I am constantly trying to “fix” myself or whatever is causing my struggles. I have an extensive list of dietary restrictions, supplements and prescription medicines that are “supposed” to help, detox methods, rest, exercise, prayer, use of essential oils, and so much more “helpful” advice that has me pulling my already falling out hair, out…

This winter has left me exhausted, struggling with crushing fatigue, debilitating pain and discouragement. I feel drained and overwhelmed. So many things have been left undone. 

However, I feel like God has been teaching me over and over about surrendering and resting in Him instead of racing to keep things afloat.

I’m at the place where I am worn down and need some serious rest. 

Because I’ve felt so terrible over the past several weeks, I’ve been reflecting on what I actually need in order to live better. What I’ve learned learning is that the most crucial thing for me right now is to give myself grace.

I need to slow down, even more than I already have and be, just be...

Take Care

Friday, March 24, 2017 | By: Anita

feeling a little...

i didn’t sleep well last night. again. my heart beat fast. the thoughts wound round and round and round. my breaths came in quick, rapid succession. tossing and turning, until i woke at more or less my usual time.  

i got up, had my tea and made a list of things to attempt accomplishing today.  puttered around a bit.  handled a few phone calls.  ate some breakfast.  read my devotional. had a nice rambling chat with my daughter.  organized some of the craft room and while down there, did some laundry.  paid some bills and organized some paperwork. ran a few errands.  answered a few emails.  checked facebook and instagram. 

you know, i start out well, but as the day wears on i usually run out of steam before i get everything done.

i have good intentions. but i am just sooo tiiirrreeedd alllllllll the time! 
throughout the day i’ll remind myself: “it’s okay that you can’t do that today. it’s okay to leave the dishes ‘til tomorrow. it’s okay to say no.” i need to listen to what my body is telling me and try not to be too hard on myself for struggling.  

my illness has brought so many changes to my life that, let’s face it: they are neither pretty nor easy to live with.

do you know how many times a day i have to consciously give myself grace?  a lot. like, A LOT, a lot.

i don’t know about you, but sometimes i just have plain old “bad” days and i can’t seemingly do anything right.  it’s exhausting and hard to stay motivated.

i have felt stuck in a rut lately.  and honestly, i feel like giving up.  

i want my life to matter, to have meaning and purpose, in my roles as wife, mom, gigi, daughter, and friend, and how i spend my time.  

sadly, i’m feeling a little lost these days…

yet, i believe that God does have a plan and a purpose for me… and while some days i try desperately to figure it all out on my own, i need to remember, my job is to seek Him.  and trust that He is working it all for my good.

take care
Monday, March 20, 2017 | By: Anita

It's Spring

Even though we had an extremely mild winter, I'm more than ready for spring... how about you?
Take Care
Thursday, March 16, 2017 | By: Anita

Tale as old as time

It premieres tonight! 

This Disney classic comes to life on the big screen...
Will you be seeing it?

Take Care
Wednesday, March 15, 2017 | By: Anita

Is this allowed?

I’m sure this isn’t something I’m supposed to admit.  At least not out loud.  And definitely not write it… I’m sure some would even consider it sacrilegious or something. But nonetheless, it’s true.

I hate the Proverbs 31 woman. Well hate could be too strong a word… intensely dislike. Because seriously. What’s to like?

She wakes up early. Every. Single. Day.

She makes things from scratch clothes, bedding, meals, everything.

She gardens and farms and seems to rather enjoy getting dirt under her fingernails.

She’s a successful businesswoman, wife, mother, and leader.

She despises idleness (which, I’d imagine, includes sitting in her chair reading).

She’s wise and tactful. Always.

She makes all the crafts on Pinterest and she makes them well. 

She exercises daily. 

She wields her smartphone calendar with precision, never forgetting an important appointment and we can be sure she’s never late.  

She has all the blanks of her Bible study workbook filled in. 

She’s always nice, always ready to listen, always ready to open her home. 

She has her hair perfectly done and never-ever runs her errands in yoga-pants.

Ugh!  The woman in that chapter…she’s like an ever-smiling Superwoman.   How can I possibly live up to this impossible standard? 

I know that this chapter of Scripture is supposed to be encouraging, it’s supposed to teach me something. 

It isn’t about throwing the perfect party with the perfect food with the perfect decorations with the perfectly clean house with the perfectly managed money with the perfect skin and the perfect hair and the perfect outfit.  
It’s about women who live life, fully reliant upon the Lord.  

So let’s stop beating ourselves up because we’re not THE Proverbs 31 woman, but let’s be A Proverbs 31 woman who chooses to completely “Trust in the Lord with all her heart and lean not on her own understanding”. Proverbs 3:5 {New International Version {NIV}

Take Care
Monday, March 13, 2017 | By: Anita

Another post about JOY

Kind of an obvious question, but… did you know that there is a difference between happiness and joy?

Happiness is something that can come and go… and may even last for a time. It is based on an experience or other external situations, a feeling of being content and satisfied and tends to disappear when the situation changes.

Joy on the other hand is great delight, a euphoria.  Based on internal well-being or the anticipation of well-being. Circumstances in life do not affect the joy. Joy is independent of the current circumstances.

Life is hard, and some days it’s harder to hold onto that feeling of joy. Thankfully, Joy is not based on feeling; it is based on knowing. On those days when everything just feels blah, I need to remember “consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds.” James 1:2 {New International Version {NIV}}

Everyone wants to be happy; spending money, collecting things, and searching for the new experiences. But if happiness depends on our circumstances, what happens when the toys rust, loved ones die, health deteriorates, money is gone, and the party’s over? 

I struggle with this.  Perhaps you do too?

Happiness depends on happenings, but Joy depends on Christ. 

When we find true joy, it will last forever. Running deeper and stronger. Joy is the quiet, confidant assurance of God’s love and work in our lives.  I don’t know about you, but I want to feel more than contentment and satisfaction in my life. 

I want true joy!  

Take Care

Thursday, March 9, 2017 | By: Anita

My Chair

I have a confession to make. I love my chair. 

This one I got from IKEA. 
Once I sat in it I knew… I knew this would become my chair. The one I’d need on those sleepless nights.  The one to have my afternoon rest in.  

The one I could sit in all day reading a book or watching a movie and never get up except if I have to … you know?!?

I could live in my comfy’s permanently and binge watch The Big Bang Theory, or troll Facebook until my finger hurts. I’d rather sit in my chair and read, than clean my house or go to the grocery store.

We need to stop from the hustle and bustle and the constant busyness of life and sit in our chairs.  Sometimes we need to slow down.

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God”  ~ Psalm 46:10 {New International Version {NIV}}

And so, on most afternoons this is the chair you’ll find me in, with a cup of tea by my side, sitting still, especially if the night before was a rough one…

Take Care

Monday, March 6, 2017 | By: Anita

Mundane Mondays

Every time someone posted their One Word for 2017, I’d think, ooh, that’s a good one. But you know, I didn’t want someone else’s word. I wanted my word. And wouldn’t you know, just as soon as I chose my #oneword for 2017, I would have the opportunity to embrace it… and to embrace it grandly. 

Things happen in life over which we have no control. It’s the way in which we respond to those things that determines how we feel.

Let’s face it ~ life can be mundane sometimes. {Especially Mondays}

There’s the day in, day out shuffle of work or school or whatever else it is you do on a daily basis and no matter what you do to try to spice things up, things will probably start to feel boring at some point.

In the midst of the hustle and bustle of each day, when tasks and to-dos seem to stretch with no end in sight, it’s easy for me to forget the wonder of the day.

But God is there in the little things. He shows His love and care in the everyday moments. A sunset filled with orange, red, and pink.  Gently falling snow.  A hot cup of tea on a cold day.  A smile. 

God provides little things each day for us to enjoy!

It can be as simple as…
Driving a different way home and discovering a new scene.
Ordering something different from our regular menu
Grabbing a book and learning something new
Scheduling in time for whatever that “something” is that you want different in your life.

When I remember to pay attention to the joy around me, my Mondays become easier. Less mundane. 
My word this year is JOY...not because my life is good all the time but because God is!

Take Care
Friday, March 3, 2017 | By: Anita

It's a journey

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6, {New International Version {NIV}} 

Did you hear that?

He will make your paths straight.

Too often I lean on my own understanding before leaning on Him.

It’s a little stressful for me to imagine my life as a path. To think that God has a specific lane for me and it’s my job to stay between the lines. Or I won’t end up in the right place. Or a wrong turn will ruin everything.  If it’s up to me to stay on the path, I’d be lost for sure. Mostly because I’m directionally challenged. Like seriously challenged. Like lost in a closet challenged!

Life is full of so many complications, so many choices, so many tough decisions.  So many different paths that are available to us to take. The right path, the wrong path, a career path. Sometimes there’s a fork in the road and we have to make a choice. Sometimes, the path gets dark and lonely and we feel like maybe, just maybe, we took a wrong turn somewhere. 

When I think about trying to do right, trying to find God’s will for my life, or trying to chose the path for my life, it’s sometimes overwhelming.  Plus, I also overthink everything.

All too often, I forget life isn’t a race to the finish line… it’s a journey. And it’s up to us to
When we put our trust in Jesus Christ, we need not worry which way to walk, or what may lie around the next bend. He tells us Isaiah 30:21 “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’”

Take Care