Sunday, October 27, 2013 | By: Anita

Day twenty-seven

Day 27: a letter to your readers

Dear Friends and Family who read my blog:

First off let me say thank you!  You have no idea how much I love and respect you for the support you constantly give me.

I started blogging a little more than seven years ago after I was encouraged by a dear friend to share my thoughts, ideas and opinions in an open forum. I have loved writing for most of my life and I now use blogging as an outlet to share my voice with the world.

For some reason, my thoughts from brain to paper {or computer} emerge more easily and eloquently than they do from brain to mouth. And happily I can edit myself on paper.

Over the course of the years, my blog has changed. I’ve recorded a lot about my family and the adventures we have when we’re all together. I’ve written about different things I struggle with. I‘ve shared more ideas, thoughts and opinions than I can count, and it has helped to shape me into the person I am. I gotten a deeper understanding into who God has made me, who I am and who I hope to become. And I have changed as a person in the process.

While there is no particular topic or theme I stick too, I appreciate you’re continued dedication to read as I write about my life, what I love, where I am struggling and everything else that comes to my mind. This has been my year to be authentic and I have been really trying to write from my heart.

What I am trying to say is that I appreciate you being my friends; following, reading and commenting when I write a blogpost. Your support means the world to me…




krystle ann-marie said...

You're welcome! Thank you for writing such thought-provoking, inspiring, encouraging blog posts to read and comment on! I look forward to "catching up" with you on-line. :)