Sunday, October 6, 2013 | By: Anita

Day six

Day 6: if you couldn’t answer with your job, how would you answer the question, ‘what do you do’?

Since I am not employed, I struggle with this question from time to time. Because I can’t answer with a job a lot people get that glazed over the eyes look once I tell them I am not employed. It’s as if somehow now what I do is not important, especially since our kids no longer live at home. I tend to get quite defensive and want to be all in their face that just because we don’t have kids at home and I don’t work out of the house doesn’t make what I do any less important. 

Although, I really don’t DO much of anything. 

I don’t have any hobbies, like painting, card-making or anything artsy. I don’t enjoy running, nor do I volunteer anywhere, yet, {although I do have an idea} I do however like to walk…. I also do a lot of reading and am working my way through this… and accomplished it, so I extended it, but to most people that’s not much. 

With the health issues I have, most days I manage the status quo around the farm.  Through all this God has been teaching me that my worth does not come from what I do or don't do, and by taking one day at a a time,  I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13 {New International Version {NIV}}


krystle ann-marie said...

You do lots! You help out your kids all the time, especially your daughter. You also keep a home tidy and clean for your husband. You do laundry, cleaning, cooking, baking, etc. You take care of a dog, you walk, you read, the list is endless!