Tuesday, October 8, 2013 | By: Anita

Day eight

Day 8: a piece of advice you have for others. anything at all.

Be who you are and say what you feel,
because those who mind don't matter
and those who matter don't mind.
~ Dr. Seuss

This is something that I have struggled with… I have been afraid to share my opinions or thoughts on different matters for fear of someone disapproving. With my people-pleasing tendencies, I am worried that if we disagree you might not like me, and I’d rather keep my opinion to myself than take the risk.

I hesitate to be too opinionated for fear of people not liking me. Too often I am paralyzed by what I think others are thinking of me and let what other people think influence me.

Slowly, I am learning to follow Dr. Seuss’ advice and believe that I am entitled to being accepted and that what I have to say is important. I am beginning to understand what it means to be comfortable in my own skin and appreciate that my opinion does matter.

We are all uniquely made ~ with our own set of gifts, abilities, opinions, strengths and weakness and that nobody is perfect.

This is my year to be authentic.  Authenticity is about being genuine and real, it means being yourself every day, and some days, that isn’t easy. Our authentic voice is that quiet, persistent messenger telling us what is right for us and what we really need.

If we don't speak for ourselves who will?

By the grace of God, I am gathering the confidence I need to live, be, act and speak my mind as authentically as He made me to be.



Becky said...

That is definitely easier said then done...I think most women try to be people pleaders
