Sunday, October 20, 2013 | By: Anita

Day twenty

Day 20: get real. share something you’re struggling with right now.

I’m struggling with such an intense desire to have a deep, meaningful friendship with a person who is not related. Finding that one bosom~friend, who according to Anne of Green Gables is: “A bosom friend ~ an intimate friend, you know ~ a really kindred spirit to whom I can confide my inmost soul.”

I’ve written about my struggles here, here, and here.

We all want to be picked.
This is natural ~ the desire to be chosen, to fit in with society’s standards, to be liked by the “cool kids”. I hated being the girl that was left out. Still do. Sadly, though many of us are still waiting to be picked. We keep waiting for someone to notice us. And when we find ourselves in these seasons of waiting we start to think we’re not wanted or we’re undesirable, unaccepted or even unworthy.

But friends that is a lie.

True friendship is hard to find, it takes time to nurture a lasting friendship and it’s worth every ounce of effort.  So I guess rather just sitting around and waiting,  I'll take the advice of Ralph Waldo Emerson ~ “The only way to have a friend is to be one.”  and extend the invitation myself.



krystle ann-marie said...

I know how hard this is for you as you've shared it with me before. Know that one true friend is out there. Trust in God's timing. Be patient and know God's pursuit. I'm praying for you, thanks for baring your soul.