Friday, October 25, 2013 | By: Anita

Day tweny-five

Day 25: something someone told you that you’ll never forget {good or bad}

After being diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder, I really struggled.  And these words Give yourself Grace… spoken by a dear friend gave me the fresh perspective I needed.

It was difficult to keep everything in balance. Not realizing that the more I pushed myself the further behind I kept getting.

I soon became discouraged.

I needed to give myself permission to stop… and to remind myself that it’s ok, if the dishes pile up by the sink, that laundry will wait… that if there is not fresh baked goodies the world, despite what some might think, will not end. Leaving the lawn for another day or two or even three until it gets mowed is alright. And while the flowerbeds do look nice when regularly maintained that that too, will wait. In fact, when you’re having a bad day, everything will wait and to realize that it is ok.

I tried desperately to ignore the inner voice, the one that whispers and points out my shortcomings and failures. I needed to stop listening to the lie that everyone else can do it and of course do it better.

Sometimes, we’re too hard on ourselves.

Sometimes, we need to give ourselves grace.

We need to stop judging ourselves by the way others can finish a job without getting stressed, frustrated or even tired. It’s not a bad reminder to Give yourself Grace… and take the time to take care of yourself.

God shows us grace everyday, and we too are willing to extend it our family, friends, neighbours, co-workers, and everyone else that crosses our path, so it’s about time we give ourselves some grace too!

The challenge though, is to continue to strive for the best, accept the worst and live in the moment of the everyday and to give myself the same grace I give to others.
