Sunday, January 1, 2012 | By: Anita


Happy New Year!!! If the Mayans were right, we have less than year. Doesn’t that make you want to laugh? We’re Christians. We don’t believe the Mayans knew “the day or the hour.” In fact the bible tells us in Matthew 24:36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." And my understanding of no one literally means NO ONE!

But with the fated December 21, 2012 looming ahead it makes you think, that if this were to be my last year, what would I want of it?

I’ve never been a New Year’s Resolutions girl. I tried to be. Once, okay maybe twice. And a few months later when I couldn’t remember what my resolutions were — or even where my list was — I felt like a miserable failure.

This year I want to make some sort of difference in how I relate to not only those closest to me but others who I come into contact with. Easier said than done.

After reading a couple blogs where the authors decided to pick one word for their year. One word to focus one. I scrapped the idea of resolutions or goals and I decided to choose just one word. One word. Because that is easy to remember. All 365 days of the year. It will becomes the filter through which I see and live my life. It will steer my decisions and guide my steps.

So, what do I want to focus on in 2012? The author writes "It can be something tangible or intangible. It can be a thought or a feeling or an action. It can be a character trait or an accomplishment or a place you want to end up. A word that can be a reminder, a nudge. A word that you can reflect on, that will challenge you, that will inspire you. Your word can be anything you want it to be. All that matters is that it has personal meaning for you. This isn’t your mother’s word. Or your spouse’s word. Or your friend’s word. This is your word. It needs to resonate with your heart, no one else’s."

As I read that post the word "honesty" popped into my head. Ironically I have a love/hate relationship with it. I guess that's ok, cause if I wasn't uncomfortable with it it's probably not the right word. This is the one word that I will focus on every day, all year long. Sure it'll take hard work, and will require intentionality and commitment. But I'm hoping that as I let it, this one word will shape me and my year. It will guide my decisions and help me to grow. "Be who you are and say what you feel, cause those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."



Monica said...

Honesty. What a good word for any year. Well chosen, beautiful friend.

Here's one for you and me today: "Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for the Truth."
~Benjamin Disraeli

krystle ann-marie said...

My word is "rest." I definitely like choosing a word instead of making a whole slew of resolutions that I will never keep. Thanks for sharing!