Saturday, December 31, 2011 | By: Anita

It's Time

A time to decorate and a time to put everything back in it's place. I know, I know, that's not part of the Ecclesiastes 3: 1 - 8 scripture, but after days of celebrating Christmas with the family, and having the house in Christmas chaos, it's time to put all the decorations away and get my house back in order. It`s also time to start to think about the New Year that's ahead. With this last day of 2011, I find myself thinking about the changes that I want to see in me. I think it was Mahatma Gandhi who said And while I am not one to make "New Years' resolutions" I do know that there are some things in my life that I want to change. Way back when I was in school, I remember for one my assignments in English class we were write our own obituary. I know that sounds kind of depressing. But when you think about it, what you want to be said about you at your funeral, well that's how you need to live your life now.

So as I write my final post for 2011, I want to leave you with my favourite scripture verse. From Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." And while I do not know what 2012 nor the future holds for me I do know the one who holds my future.



Anneliese said...

What a positive and uplifting verse for the New Year. Thank you. Wishing you a happy new year!