Saturday, January 21, 2012 | By: Anita


My desk is a disaster waiting to happen..... every nook and cranny is full of, well, stuff. There's papers, bills, lists, envelopes, pictures, passports, magazines, calendars, inspirational readings, stuffed animals, files, pens, CD's, checkbooks, calculators and well, mostly alot of crap. One would think that I have a small addiction to stuff. I have the hardest time going through closets, cupboards & drawers cleaning out stuff. I mean, who knows I might need that some day.

One area that needs to be re-organized regularly though is my desk. Probably the most dreaded area of the house. My desk is the place where all the stuff goes. So, it wasn’t going to be an easy task to get the desk that's already full of stuff- unstuffed. Or is it destuffed? I’m clueless.

But, I embraced the reality that some of the stuff simply had to go.

I found great progress in making three piles:

Stuff to toss.

Stuff to give away.

Stuff to put away elsewhere.

Honestly there was just some old fashioned sentimentality going on as well. But, I looked at those piles as freeing myself. It was such a good feeling to rid my space of stuff I no longer need. Keeping it was allowing that stuff to steal my space, my peace, and not to sound too dramatic but my life!

I think it’s good to consider the stuff stealers in our life.

What is stealing your space, your peace, your life?

Are your stuff stealers piles that need to be tackled?

Or is it that extra weight from one too many sugar cookies and peppermint mochas?

Or is it more of an emotional thing you’re hanging on to – a rude comment by that family member, that friend that made you feel left out, or that adult child who didn’t bother to call you on Christmas?

Stuff stealers.

Stuff we just simply don’t need to hang on to any longer. Be sure to comment, I'd love to hear what stuff you're going to rid yourself of this year.



krystle ann-marie said...

Clothes! I have too many that I don't wear. :) Gerard and I like to do a spring cleaning of our wardrobe every year. :) I want to see an after picture of your desk!

Becky said...

Hope you had a productive time reorganizing your desk... I love how I feel....when closet and drawers have been gone thru and everything looks FRESH and is a GREAT feeling....
