Monday, April 30, 2007 | By: Anita


SO....stones grow, or maybe you weren't told that as a child. I am blessed to have two uncles on my mom's side of the family, and as a child we spent quite a bit of time at the Schwartzentruber family farm. And I was told by one of my uncles, I cannot remember which one, that rocks grew. And for 20 years, I believed them.

It wasn't until after Wayne & I were married that I found out I had been lied to. Of course we (Wayne & I) were picking rocks from the field one day and I randomly commented that we should pick up all the little ones, so they do not grow bigger the next year and thus save ourselves time next year. Well...... first he laughed then he told me that rocks do not grow. We had a HUGE heated argument, because we both believed that we were in the right.

Now I can look back at that and laugh, but at the time I was quite upset. I really thought I was right and rocks did in fact grow.

Recently there was an article in the Rural Voice (March 2007) about stones. Here is a direct quote "Stones multiply and grow. It is not known exactly how, but it you leave a stone long enough it might become a boulder. Stones are probably male & female - the male stones would be the darker heavier ones and the female stones the sparklier pretty ones. How they mate is not known for sure."

So I show this article to my husband and declare "HA, I was right!" with a mischievous grin on my face, Wayne was disputing the article left, right & center, until he realized that I was spoofing him.

But in all sincerity, I really do like rocks. In fact I "plant" them all around in my flower beds instead of flowers. Who knows maybe next year there might be a few more!



Anonymous said...

you definitly hasve to much time to spend on the computer, that you can write a whole paragraph on ROCKS.....
But I do love to plant them too...