Saturday, April 7, 2007 | By: Anita

Week's end

Whew!! The weekend, I wasn't sure if I was going to make it or not. It's seems like I've lived a lifetime in the past seven days.

Each day seemed to drag slowly by, I am sure it went by quite fast for Wayne & Kyle, they only have one more day to enjoy the warm weather. Won't they be for a shock when they come home?

Today I was able to meet up with my sister in Stratford and we spent most of the day together, chatting, and catching up with each other. After we found each other. LOL We planned to meet each other at Tim Horton's on Erie St., and so I get there and was surprised that Becky was not already there. So I got a cup of tea and waited. Well after 45 minutes, I called her husband to find out where she was, only to discover that she was waiting for me at Tim Horton's on Huron St. She too was wondering that I wasn't there yet. It would be alot easier if Stratford didn't have 4 Tim Horton's.

Once we finally found each other, we wasted no time in catching up. It has been ages since I've seen her. It was a very good day, and it sure helped pass the time. I popped over to see my mom & dad, they had just returned from Florida, it was nice to chat with them before I had to get home to take Darcy to work. I haven't seen my parents since my Dad's 65 birthday party, which was in February.

I have plans to go out for dinner with Krystle tonight, just the two of us. Darcy is working, so it will be nice to spend some time just us girls. To chat and catch up on her very busy life as a student. Like I said before, the whole cooking thing for two people just isn't fun, and I might as well enjoy going out, after all Wayne & Kyle are sure getting their share of restaurants.
