Sunday, April 1, 2007 | By: Anita

They're off!!

Wayne & Kyle left around 10:30 am to head off to Toronto for their trip to Cuba. Talk about excited!! Neither one of them usually get too excited about anything, but today.....
At first Wayne thought they would leave around noon, that would give them plenty of time to get there. But the excitment won over and they left around 10:30, this way they could grab a McD's before leaving Canada and still have oodles of time to sit & wait in the airport.
Their flight leaves at 5:30 pm, they arrive in Cuba around 10:30 ish I think. It's going to be a long day of travelling for them.
It was a very bittersweet good-bye.

So, now it's just me & Darcy. It'll be mostly movie watching today since the weather is not the nicest for walking. Hopefully the day will pass quickly.

Plus I plan to get back to some reading that I've gotten away from. I have a few books on the go......Fresh-Brewed Life, Poison Wood Bible, Shape, Queen of the Castle & Black Ice.
It's only 5, and since they are not all fiction it's quite easy to keep it all straight.

Fresh-Brewed Life I have read once before and it's definitely one of those to read again, I am sure I'll even more out it the second time around.

Poison Wood Bible is not an actual bible but a fictional account of missionaries over in Afica before the world war, it's a thick book and a heavier read, so I am slowly working at that.

Shape is non-fiction book that talks about the shape you are made, not your physical shape but your spiritual shape and how God has created you and made you for His purpose, This book helps you figure it all out.

Queen of the Castle is the book our w.h.a.t group has chosen to read. It's one chapter a week so not a heavy read and we get together once a week to discuss it and enjoy the friendship of our group,

Black Ice is a fiction read that I am doing for pure relaxation.

As you can tell I love to read, and since I cannot walk today, I guess I'll enjoy finishing a few of these before I start a whole new set.
I usually have anywhere form 3-5 books on the go. You know how it is, somedays I need to be inspired and other days I just want to fantasize away. So it's a nice mix.


Bri said...

Let me know what you think of the Poison Wood Bible when you finish it... I quite enjoyed it.