Monday, May 19, 2014 | By: Anita

mhmm monday

A long standing tradition while we were growing up was to spend the long weekend at my Aunt & Uncles' farm, where they run their greenhouse business. My cousins, siblings & I would spend the day; playing in the barn, swimming in their pool, or taking joy-rides  around the farm in “Tuffy” with my underage cousin at the wheel. My dad would spend his day moving plants from the back range up to the store front, while my mom would spend the day in the house making these…

Relief Sale Doughnuts ~
From the Mennonite Relief Sale cookbook…

Dissolve 1 pkg. yeast in 1 cup warm water

1 cup mashed potatoes
1 cup lard
1 cup scalded milk
½ cup sugar
2 eggs

1 cup icing sugar
½ cup water

Mix in order given and add enough flour so dough will nor stick to fingers. Let rise until double in bulk. Roll out and cut; place on trays which have some flour on and let rise again, then fry, drain, then dip in syrup while still hot.



Debra said...

It's the one thing I'm just not sure I'd try. I've toyed with the idea but seems out of my league.

krystle ann-marie said...

Nice! Thanks for sharing this wonderful family memory. I have made these once on my own. And I doubt I'll do it again in the near future. They are A LOT of work, but worth it. Gerard's favourite for sure.