Saturday, June 9, 2012 | By: Anita

Too True

What are the words you wonder about in the middle of the night, the quiet moments, the waiting at the stoplight?

What are you afraid to believe but really, really wish you could?

I’m loved,
I really can do this.
I’m chosen for a purpose.

Whatever it is, it’s scandalously true.

Not because you dreamed it up. Or you think it would be nice. Or maybe you’ve finally earned it.

It’s true because the God who spoke the world into being has whispered His heart to you too…

For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is HIS love for those who fear Him {Psalm 103:11}

I can do all this through him who gives me strength. {Philippians 4:13}

This is what the Lord says…"I have called you by name, you are mine." {Isaiah 43:1}

We don’t have to just wish. We can deep-in-our-bones know.


Nope, not in this fallen world. But with the One Who Loves Us and each other it really is possible.

What’s one truth your heart is holding on to right now?



Becky said...

Thank you for those words of encouragement...greatly needed to be heard today....


Anneliese said...

This is beautiful. Love how you put it, that tht God who spoke the world into being, whispers into our hearts. I'm thankful that He does. I'm haniging on to His faithfulness.