Monday, June 4, 2012 | By: Anita

The Only One

What I have to offer won’t fill both hands. I don’t have loads of money and I am not that talented. I’m not a very good friend and I let being an introvert determine my day. I yell at my dog and nag at my husband. I’m never caught up on housework and I’m usually overwhelmed. Some days are lonely and too often I listen to the voice that whispers, “you are not good enough to do this.” There are nights I lay awake riddled with guilt and regret.

Am I the only one?

With every login, every click thru, nearly every e-mail, has the potential to make me feel so inadequate.

The beautiful homes on Pinterest shine a light on my ancient old farm house with the many piles of laundry and dirty dishes piled on the counter, waiting for me.

The bloggers with their gorgeous photography point out how badly I need a lesson on how to use my camera.

Every new success on Facebook reminds me of my failures.

It’s so very easy to get sucked in, isn’t it?

To feel like the only one.

But as I sat and thought over that statement, I realized that it's true. Just not the way I thought.

We tell ourselves, "I'm the only one who struggles, feels lonely sometimes, wonders if what I'm doing matters."

Let me tell you a little secret. We all feel that way. And it's not about failure - it's about being human.

But this is what's true: "I'm the only one who can fulfill God's purpose for my life, with the gifts, talents, abilities that He has entrusted to me. Knowing that I can hang on to the promise that He will be with me every step of the journey that He's chosen for my life."

It's not about the beginning {I'm the only one who...} instead it's about how we finish the rest of the sentence.

We all, each of us, are in different seasons of life. We make different choices, and God has different plans. Jealousy can so quietly slip in until we’re nearly suffocated, and can’t even hear God’s Spirit. The deeper you move into God's calling for your life, will, hopefully, give you a greater confidence to say “I’m the only one ….”

Yes, you are the only one.
But you are not alone.

There is a beautiful and powerful difference between the two.

If you think of the unknown people of the Bible. They are mentioned because their minuscule existence changed the very course of history.

God uses all kinds of people and He specializes in the ordinary.

God’s view of you is far beyond anything you could imagine. As you walk in your God given identity, you are transforming the world around you. You are bringing the authority of heaven to earth. -Jane Hoyt
You were created for a purpose. It may seem small, but it matters.
He created you exactly like you are. He has ordained a specific purpose for you. It’s hard not to look at your “I cant’s and I’m not’s”. But we need to realize that He created each of us and within each of us lies the possibility to fulfill what He has called us too.
