Monday, June 18, 2012 | By: Anita

On faith

To have effective living we need to begin with God's wisdom by respecting and appreciating who God is; reverence and awe in recognizing the almighty God. It requires moral application - by trusting in God and His Word; allowing His Word to speak to us personally; willing to obey. Which in the end; results with effective living; experiencing what God does with our lives.

Good teaching comes from good learning. We are either becoming wise learners or refusing to learn and becoming foolish failures. We should encourage each other to make the right choice. To be wise in all that we do or say.
Wisdom and common sense are not naturally transferred from our parents, we must continue to educate ourselves through good teaching. We are all capable of becoming wise, but it takes discipline, determination and hard work to live God's way, but God protects and rewards those who make the commitment to follow Him. People who are eager to listen and grow in knowledge throughout their lives will reap the reward of a strong character.

It's said best in Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." NIV



Anneliese said...

Wow! those are deep thoughts and thoughts we all relate to one one way or another. I am so glad .. and maybe this comes with age ... God created me ... not the same as everyone else and maybe not for a lofty goal from my point of view... but He has a purpose for me, the way He created me, and it's so good to know that.