Wednesday, June 20, 2012 | By: Anita

so i've been thinking

i've been spending quite a bit of time sitting in my gazebo, {yes the plastic has been removed} enjoying the gentle breeze that blows and taking the much needed time i need to think.

as i sat today, i had a genuine peace and serenity come over me as i thought about alot of different things. some worth writing about. others, um, not so much.

how important is it to write out our thoughts and feelings?  how many thoughts, ideas, and memories, would be lost forever if i didn't write at least some of it down. consequently, i have written journals on and off for around 18 years and have been blogging for 6. 

when we take time to record our memories, journal our prayers, and write down our thoughts, we truly give ourselves a gift to be opened over and over again. we can recall times of laughter, be encouraged by God's faithfulness in difficult situations, and feel a sense of comfort by expressing and managing the emotions He's given to us. it feels good to revisit the joys and even the struggles in our lives, because God is working in us and building our trust through every circumstance. we never outgrow His gentle and wise instruction, we never graduate from the learning process.
i'm so glad God decided to put His thoughts and feelings into the written word! i love to know that He thinks about us constantly and carries us in the palm of His hand. i'm thrilled to learn about His character and read about the experiences others have had in His presence. words have power - and we have the privilege of preserving them in our journals every day.

life is all about choices.  good choices and bad choices.  the more choices we make that fulfill our God given purpose, the better off we'd be.  in a perfect world we could plan everything in advance giving us the much desired control; we want to have in our lives. more often than not life tends to throw a few curves our way, teaching us to rely more on Him than ourselves.  we need to be more purposeful than to to just let life happen around us.

by slowing down and gaining perspective, we can make better decisions.  it's about taking time to be more centered and intentional of the choices we make.  each situation we find ourselves in is an opportunity to grow, learn and put our trust in God. 

i can sit {sometimes for hours at a time} thinking, journalling or just staring off looking over the yard and fields, just thinking. our country property lends itself to give us the quiet, the tranquility, and quite possibly the best view around.
