Thursday, April 14, 2016 | By: Anita


My word 
has unfolded in unexpected ways. 

As usual, I start the year with an idea of what I hope my one word would accomplish in me. And, par for the course, I've already been surprised to discover how much more it holds. 

We get caught up in "when" thinking ~ when I get married... when I have kids... when I get a certain job… when the house is paid off... when the bills get paid... when I get financially set... when I can retire ... when my health is better …when I get such and such ~ then...then I'll be happy, and only then! But the truth is once we get there, we'll just want something else.

Are you content with what you have? With how the Lord made you? With your wife or husband? With your children or lack thereof? With your job? With your limitations?

What does it mean to be content? 

Contentment doesn’t have anything to do with what is external ~ our circumstances. But it has everything to do with what God is doing inside of us.The good news is that we all can learn how to become fully content with who we are, where we are, and what we’re doing. 

The true meaning of contentment is being satisfied with what you have and with who you are ~ right now. 

So for today, let’s thank God for what we do have instead of focusing on what we don’t have. 
Have you learned the secret to being content? {Philippians 4:12}

Take Care