Tuesday, April 19, 2016 | By: Anita

Be Still and Know

This winter, I was in an active cycle of my illnessagain.   Winter is the hardest time of the year for those of us with Fibromyalgia

On my best days, I was able to get up and move about and still do a few things each day. On my worst days, I couldn’t even hold my phone while lying down. Needless to say, it was a trying time. I was frustrated by how little I could do. Becoming more and more aware of my limitations. 

Naturally I would worry about the many tasks left undone ~ yet there was literally nothing I could do. Despite my own desires, I had to force myself into habits of rest, sitting down or going to bed early for the sake of my own well-being and recovery. 

During that season, the Lord impressed Psalm 46:10 upon my heart:
Being limited is inconvenient, but sometimes God limits us so we learn to hear His voice. I found that reading the Scriptures can bolster my confidence in the Lord. He doesn’t confine us to be mean. His power is made perfect in weakness {2 Corinthians 12:9a}

The world would rather let us believe that weakness is failure. That limitations equal incompetence. As a general rule, we don’t like being dependent. We would much rather prove to everyone else we’ve got everything under control. The truth is, we don’t. In fact, very little, if anything is in our control. 

I didn’t choose to spend the past several months unwell. And although I wasn’t overtly happy or content during the midst of my illness, looking back, I can see God’s provision. 

Have you seen His power displayed in the midst of your weakness?

Take Care