Wednesday, April 27, 2016 | By: Anita


Who would have thought, that I’d be sitting here writing my 1500th blog post - yes you read that right fifteen hundred! 

It was in 2007, when a friend first suggested that I should start a blog. To be honest I had thought about it, since at the time only a few people actually did this.  But then these two thoughts immediately went through my head. 

One; what will I write about? 


two; who will read it?

Obviously number one hasn't been too much of problem… and number two, while I don’t have a huge following that’s not the reason why I write. Sure it’s nice when people leave a comment, so feel free... 

But you know, I really do it because I need to get my thoughts, ideas, hopes and dreams out of my head and on to paper, where it's concrete.

I want my blog to be a place where I can recall times of laughter, be encouraged by God's faithfulness in difficult situations and feel a sense of comfort as I remember the special moments.

It can feel good to revisit the joys and even the struggles in our lives, because God is working in us and building our trust through every circumstance. 

Blogging... it’s an outlet for me. 
I’ll keep on writing!

Take Care