Friday, April 29, 2016 | By: Anita

Are you talking to me?

Too often we’ll sit in a restaurant watching as one person would ask a question but because the other person was on their phone they never even knew they were being talked to and the potential conversation slipped away. Truth be told, we're all guilty of this from time to time. 


I think it's a dying art. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about communication. We have plenty of that! 

Technology has made it possible to talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere in the world. But, there's a downside to this culture of instant communication. I believe we've lost the art of face-to-face conversation. 

In an instant, we can see a selfie, read a tweet, follow their board, write a message on a wall or post a picture. 
But honestly, does it really enhance my life to know that she’s doing this or that and he’s going here or there? 

Social media is a thief, making you think you will miss something important. And you do. You miss what is going on right in front of you. 

Quick chats just aren't my thing… I want deep dialogue. 


Time is precious. 

So when we are together, let’s be fully present - agreed?!?

Take Care