Monday, April 18, 2016 | By: Anita

Gadget Girl Genius

Do folks think you’re “techie” because you use Facebook? Or know how to edit an image on PicMonkey or create one with Shutterfly? But, you know and I know, this isn’t techie at all… 

Ok, let's be honest and just say that I am not the most technical person there is. Yes, I can look things up on Pinterest and I know how to put together the basics, navigate and use editing tools and all the things that come with having a blog. I can even send things from Pinterest to Facebook if needed.  But when I wanted to make an Instagram account, so I can follow my kids and comment or like their photos. I knew I needed to call in an expert.
That’s where I find myself. This isn’t a complaint, just a fact. 

Take Care


Anneliese said...

Ha! ha! my daughter walked me through that too. That's how it works we take turns and it's their turn now.

krystle ann-marie said...

And we will eventually teach you how to use a spoon, again. Ah the circle of life! ;)