Wednesday, December 18, 2013 | By: Anita


Ogres are like onions. They have layers. ~ Shrek
Every time I look in the mirror I see my physical imperfections. From the top of my head, the outline of my face, on down to the width of my hips, the shape of my thighs right down to the tips of my toes and much more. Sometimes it's just exhausting!

Do you know what it's like to look in the mirror everyday and hate what you see? I do. Every day I fight with my negative inner voice, I have struggled with body image for as long as I can remember.

I have always hated looking at photos of myself. It is not difficult for me to look at a photo and find my imperfections. Awkward stance. Goofy expression. And, of course…please…don’t we all do this a million times over, already…we all struggle with at least one something.

A human being has layers. Just like the onion. We are all pretty complex, but does that make us ogres? We shouldn’t judge people according the way they look/act.

From people you meet in life ~ like the cashier at the grocery store, the gas bar attendant, wait staff, librarians, at church, to those in your very own homes, some of their problems might seem petty to you. But who are we to say that she/he is NOT going through a bad time.

They are not ogres. Yet they have deep emotional layers.

We could all judge each other about something and really, almost anything. And sometimes we do it without even knowing we are.

But let’s not.

We spend our minutes and our hours and perhaps even our days living the way we think we should. Trying to prove to ourselves and our neighbours that we are whole.
But it’s not the truth.
We're often wrong.
Way more than we like to admit.
We're too harsh,
too proud,
silent when we should be saying something,
we rush others,
we think words we would never say out loud,
we speak words that sting,
and we stretch the truth sometimes too.

We don’t want to think that of us, these thoughts could be true. But we are human. Ogres are simply a metaphor for any person who has had a tragedy in their lives and acted upon it.

We all have layers.
We are all human.
We all are ogres.



Becky said...

Very well is very easy to focus on the negative... I think that was where I was coming from last night

But remember...that God mad YOU special and he loves you just the way you are.....
