Saturday, December 7, 2013 | By: Anita

because... it's christmas

with christmas just around the corner, we knew we needed to get the baking started... and oh boy! did we bake!
white chocolate & craisin oatmeal cookies
 and marshmallow fudge

and peanut butter cup squares, and rice krispie squares, and brownies, and church window squares and hello dollie squares and whew! what a day! still need to make sugar cookies, but that's for another day...
krystle is definitely a baking queen..... and me? i am glad to just be along for the ride!  thanks ~ for a truly vonderful gut day!


krystle ann-marie said...

Ah! You beat me to it. :) I love gets my juices flowing! Can't wait to bring everything to Christmas parties. :)

Becky said...

Sounds yummy!
Lots of fun!


Anneliese said...

Oh, that sounds like a fun day! I love feeling I have accomplished something.