Thursday, December 20, 2012 | By: Anita

Truth be told.. .. ...

As the year is coming to an end, it’s a good time to look in the rearview mirror. One can only know see how far they’ve gone if they take a look back, now and then.. .. …
2012 has been my year of honesty - you recall this post. And I remember that after I read the 365 one word article, I was so convicted to live, do and be honest in every area of my life. The point of One Word 365 is intentionality ~ and before I move on to my word for 2013, I want to be intentional and examine the road I’ve been on. As I pause and process this past year, I catch a glimpse of how my One Word impacted it.

This past year, I’ve been more honest. With family, friends, myself, my blog, my marriage, perhaps every singly aspect of my life has seen a deeper more honest evaluation that I ever thought possible. As I’ve gone deeper with who I am, honestly exploring the who, why, what, where and how of Anita, it’s been hard. Hard but good. Oooh it’s been good!

And yet, I am so ready to be done with this word.

I’m not sure if I would have picked it had I known everything it would require of me. And it’s made me a little hesitant about picking a word for next year because I wonder what I’ll be setting myself up for.

Did you take the One Word 365 challenge? If so:
How has your word taken shape and how has it shaped you?
Does it mean something different to you now than you thought it would?
How has it steered your decisions, plans, and actions?
What challenges and victories have you experienced?

As I think ahead to 2013, I’ve been mulling over a few different virtues/one-word options that I want to focus on. Nothing has resonated yet with me, I’m waiting for God to reveal my word. I’ll let you know which one is the one that HE has led me to.

If you didn’t take the One Word 365 challenge last year, will you join me this year and choose one word?
