Saturday, December 15, 2012 | By: Anita

It's the most busiest time of the year

How do you know when to say yes and when to say no?

The holidays are the busiest time of the year for us. So how do we celebrate without losing our sanity? How do we prevent the stress of this season, from finally getting to us? One way is to have a strategy for making choices. And we can use it the rest of the year too…

An opportunity arises.

A good one.

Maybe even a GREAT one.
So how do you know what to do? Here are ten questions to ask yourself…
1) Does this fit with my strengths?
2) Does this fit with my skills?
3) Have my life experiences prepared me for it?
4) What do the people I trust most say about it?
5) Do I feel an inner tug or “leading” from God to do it?
6) Does the opportunity line up with Scripture and what I understand to be God’s purpose for me?
7) Are there any possible “phantom reasons” that could be tempting me to say yes (fear, guilt, a desire to please people)?
8) If I say yes, what will it mean saying “no” to?
9) If I say no, what will it mean saying “yes” to?
10) When I look back in ten years, will this be a story I want to share?
Obviously, this list isn’t complete. But hopefully it provides a starting point for you. {Sidenote: one thing that’s NOT on this list is, “Do I feel scared silly about doing it?” What God asks us to do often does lead to fear in the beginning. When He says “do not fear” in Scripture it’s most often to someone who is already afraid. If we’re walking the path God has for us then it seems fear is more often confirmation to continue than a reason to turn back.}

What other questions would you add to the list?
