Monday, December 17, 2012 | By: Anita

And yet?

You’re busy, right? And you’re stressed? And you’ve canceled everything you normally do in December just so you can keep up with all the abnormal things you’re “supposed” to do.  

As Charlie Brown says, the holiday is “supposed” to look a certain way and you’re “supposed” to feel a certain way.
And yet?

We guilt ourselves into trying to do it all.  The cooking, the baking, the decorating, the shopping, and I am sure you can add more to the list.  Trying are darndest to create the picture perfect postcard of Christmas. Where did the simpleness of the season go?  Why are we hustling and bustling and stressing ourselves out because of the crazy-extra long to-do list we've made for ourselves this year.

And yet?

We don't have to play catch up. We don’t have to play by the “rules” and the “supposed tos” and the “hustle and bustle” of the ticking days that are getting away from you. You might be surprised to know you have a day, today, in fact to slow down and pay attention to world around you.  Today can be the beginning of a new and wonderful way to begin to appreciate eveything around you. Today might as well be day one. Today is always day one. Would you take a risk in believing me that you are never too late, never too behind for a day one?

And yet?

It's easy to get lost in the shuffle of 'busy'ness and I think it’s brave to take care of yourself, and all the more so during a time of year that you’re “supposed” to excessively take care of everyone else. And I think it’s brave to say “Just because we're supposed to doens't mean we have to." So I’m going to do it without making a big guilty fuss over it.

And yet?

You are never behind. You are always exactly where you need to be.
