Friday, December 21, 2012 | By: Anita


Despite the doomsday end-of-the-world predictions surrounding December 21, I expect any Mayans around the world might be spending the day celebrating! It’s their New Year’s and they don’t get to celebrate it each year, unlike us who a get a “New Year” every year.

December 21 marks the end of a huge 5,125-year long cycle in the ancient Maya 'Long Count' calendar, but that’s not to say it’s the end of the world.

Doomsday conspiracies are as old as civilization. But the 12-21-12 Mayan calendar fear seems to have gotten the maximum response, not surprisingly, since we live in the world of social media.

Um, hello, does anyone remember the panic of Y2K? And did anything happen? Nope, nothing!  People have been predicting the end of the world for centuries ~ case in point.

If you're reading this today, keep in mind that it's already Saturday in New Zealand, and it's still on the map. If it's Saturday, a look out the window may be reassuring.

Take heart ~ “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father”. Matthew 24:36 {New International Version (NIV)}

~ and realize that no-one can predict the end of the world!
