Tuesday, December 4, 2012 | By: Anita

In between

It's a foggy, rainy day, the kind that makes me want to luxuriate over another cup of Vanilla earl grey tea and peruse the Internet or read a book for hours.
Inspiration doesn't always come when summoned. There are times when I must sit and think and focus before the first few words falter out until a whole sentence- nope, a paragraph!- appears. And we are well on our way to another blog post.

Still, the window catches my attention and my eyes flick away from the screen and out to the drizzling mist. I take another sip of tea and let the warmth soothe.

The phone rings, right as a new idea takes hold. Of course. I squeeze my eyes shut, then tap a few words down so I might remember the idea later. Inspiration has to wait once more.

I’ve always been one to anticipate the next phase - wanting that next step - now! How do we move toward our future dreams while appreciating our present reality? Do we approach trials and difficulties any differently? How do we appreciate the good stuff when it appears?

We're always in an in between place. We know beautiful seasons will not last forever. The next crisis could be around the bend. And when we face difficulty, we long for it to end. We dream, we make plans, we are future-oriented. There will always be another next phase. We will always be in the middle of something.

What matters is our attitude, regardless or maybe because of what is before us. How do we strive for contentment when we're in between?

It's easier to practice contentment when the sun shines and you're basking in the glow of dreams no longer deferred. It's harder when the day before us is grey and dreary and we're waiting, unsure of how situations will resolve or when, not knowing if what we long for will ever be realized.

Psalm 27:14 {New International Version (NIV)} "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord."

This is my life. I will rejoice and be glad in it!



Anneliese said...

It seems so much of life is spent waiting for a certain day or time ...instead of just enjoying the time right now or seeing how it can prepare us for later. One day we will wonder where the days and the years went!