Thursday, November 1, 2012 | By: Anita

Badge of Busy

When people ask you how you are, do you reflexively respond with ‘busy’?
We tend to wear “busy” as if it is a badge of honour. We talk about “busy” as though it’s something to be proud of. We let “busy” fill the void. We allow “busy” to get in the way of living.

Somewhere along the way, we start believing that if we’re not busy, and I mean, VERY busy, that something is wrong. We feel guilt when we’re not getting things done. We look at those around us who are doing big things and fall into a state of mind that tells us we can’t possibly keep up, but that if we just stay busy, if we keep hustling, we’re doing something right.

Without thinking, we let busy get in the way of some of the best things in life.

Sometimes being busy makes us feel important. It puffs us up that there are so many things for us to do, so many people that need us, so many to-do’s to check off.

For me this week has been just that - busy; with work, with family events, with trying to keep ahead of cleaning, dishes, laundry, with running errands, with. .. . .. ... . the list goes on.

 when you’re busy, you miss out on amazing opportunities.
when you’re busy, you can pretty much say so long to spontaneity.
when you’re busy, it wanes our ability to form strong relationships.

It’s good to remember that when we’re feeling puffed up by the neediness of all our to-do’s; that there are very polite and very possibly needy people right nearby who are probably waiting for us to take a breath.

When we’re occupying all of our time with getting “stuff” done, we’re not making room to let anyone in.

So busyness isn’t a badge of honour, it’s a liability.

I’m trying to take my own advice to heart. Because a life constantly filled with “busy” isn’t one really being lived.

So here’s to taking tomorrow and scheduling time to not be busy.

To enjoying a cup of tea with friends. Talking time for a walk. Watching a movie for a few hours without feeling guilty. Spending time savouring dinner with my loved ones.

Writing. Playing. Learning. Loving. Living. Laughing. and Letting go.



krystle ann-marie said...

It's all in how you use that "busy" ness: as an excuse or a stepping stone. There is such a thing as good "busy" and bad "busy". God wants us to be busy for His kingdom. I see no reason for not being busy, as long as it is to the glory of God. I think that there are times when we are more busy, so it prepares us for times of rest...and vice-versa.