Friday, November 2, 2012 | By: Anita


I don’t remember how it came up.  What could we have been discussing that would have led to this inane topic? I’m not sure, but I do know that my friend and I had a funny conversation about DVDs recently.

Somehow, we ended up talking about how we organize our DVDs. I organize mine alphabetically, with movies in the same series placed together.
My friend, on the other hand, organizes hers by colour. But she also keeps movies in a series together.

When we talked about it, I had to laugh. Both of us assumed our method of organization was “normal,” and we’d never questioned why we did it that way or if there could be a better way. We just do it.

I’m not sure the way you organize videos says anything about you at all. And I don’t think there’s a right or wrong way to do it. And yes, I realize that analyzing this tiny issue in the first place is a sign that I’m a little odd.

But it makes me wonder.

Do you organize parts of your house or office in a particular way – maybe without even thinking about it or realizing that nobody else does it that way?

When I sit at my desk in the corner of the kitchen, I have my stuff in the places that make the most sense to me. Pens to right, bill basket to the left, pictures of my kids are definitely in more than one place. The phone sits in the only spot in can which frustrates me cause I’m a left hand answerer and it’s on the right ~ oh well… .. .. . My desk is quite messy - which actually doesn’t bother me most of the time but then every once in a while - BANG - I organize it. We removed the top two doors years before in the attempt that I would keep my desk in somewhat of a less disarray - but it seems to no avail. My desk tends to look the same whether I am caught up or not.
What about people who organize their kitchen in the same way. My kitchen, on the other hand, doesn’t make sense to anyone. Every time someone new is in my kitchen, looking for a cup, I’m asked why I put the cups in the centre right cupboard rather than the cabinet closest to the sink. There’s really no good reason. And yet, it’s how I like it and I will probably never change it.

The shelves of my pantry are organized by food type. Pasta goes with crackers on one shelf, baking items on another, canned soups have there own little section. Some of the other shelves in my pantry, though? Total chaos. And don’t even get me started on my fridge.

Why do we pick and choose which parts of our homes, our office, our lives to organize? Why is one area so much more important than others?

I mean, I really can’t handle it if someone puts my calculator on the wrong shelf or doesn’t put the cheese in the designated cheese area in the fridge. And my filing cabinet?? Well, it’s a disaster just waiting to explode. Wanna know how far behind I am in doing the bookwork???

go ahead


I dare you!!!

nope wrong ~ wanna try that again?

11 months. eleven. if you do the math you’ll realize that that means I haven’t even started 2012.

I used to be so organized.

It seems the further behind I fall the more overwhelmed I feel. Knowing that the December 31 deadline is looming I know I have to buckle down and get finished started within the next 60 days.

What parts of your home and life do you organize in a particular way? What parts do you let go?



krystle ann-marie said...

I'm meticulously organized. To the point of obsession, actually. It takes a lot of strength and willpower to go to bed with a messy kitchen, laundry unfolded, or my glasses not put away in the "right" spot. Maybe someday I will inherit your genes. ;)