Wednesday, November 7, 2012 | By: Anita

The Nerve

I’ve found that people will either cower away from hard situations or charge forward with courage. As for the cowardly lion in the classical movie, The Wizard of OZ, he did both. Of all the OZ characters, I think I best identify with him.
Like the lion, I believe I could do anything if I only had the nerve. The trouble is that in scary situations the only “nerve” I seem to have is a nervous stomach. Sure, I’ve faced some pretty hard hairy circumstances in my life and I’ve discovered that I’m more courageous than I ever thought possible.

It’s all about choice!
Either I could allow my anxiety to prevent me from doing or I could face the problem with courage. How does one find courage when they’re trembling in fear? Sometimes it comes down to deciding what is more important - the thing we need to do or say or yielding to our fear. Courage is not absence of fear as you might think. Rather, it withstands fear. Being courageous is being brave enough to move through our fears. How? We put our hope in God who will see us through.

I searched my thoughts only to discover that my nervousness is based on pride. What will they think of me? I nervously wondered. Knowing my own limitations created doubt in my mind, which in turn could have caused me to back away. Instead, I decided to move forward in faith as I considered what was more important.

That’s the incredible truth about courage. It transforms the ordinary into something extraordinary.

When you feel fearful, what’s at the source? Are you focusing on yourself? Sometimes by taking our eyes off ourselves helps us to see past our fears to the needs of others.

Where has God placed you right now? In an ungodly workplace? A bad relationship with a friend? Living beside unfriendly neighbours? Caring for aging parents?

Whatever your situation, you have a decision to make. Will you cower away or charge forth in faith? While you may face scary risks, think of the difference you could make ~ if you simply choose to be courageous!

Whatever God is calling you to do this is His promise; “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 {NIV}

The possibilities are endless if you only have the nerve.
