Wednesday, October 31, 2012 | By: Anita

The Fog

I lay down to sleep at night.

And I don’t know what awaits me.

Will it be a restful sleep?

Or will it be minutes ticking away that melt into the next hour?

I wake up in the morning.

Is it going to a day filled with energy ~ to start new beginnings and break off old ways?

Or will the day be one lived in obedience ~ to faithfully get up and surrender to whatever the next hour brings me?

I don’t know what each day will bring.
This is what the journey of faith looks like when you’re traveling through the thick of it.

These are the days of walking through the fog of everyday life trials ~
when change isn’t coming any faster than you’d like it,
when the challenge that’s pressing in on you intensifies.

But, it’s not going away.

You try to ignore it. Try to make yourself stronger so it will pass.

It’s not always talked about, but the faith journey is like walking through a fog. At the beginning of any journey one tends to start out with the most hopeful intentions. 

But then, it happens.

You’re caught between some unexpected changes.

And it dawns on you.

Life is going to be different.

For you. Or your family, friend, or child.

Maybe it’s your health, your job, a relationship or a hope deferred.

For me, it’s been a mixture of all four.

The fog can do that. It can suddenly bring thoughts and feelings that you’ve often wanted to just move through. Instead, you find yourself returning to questions and circumstances that settle down around your mind and heart, feeling quite fragmented.

And maybe like me, you begin to wonder…

When will this fog lift?

And how long will God let it stay?
