Sunday, March 13, 2011 | By: Anita

sweet dreams

Why does losing that extra hour sleep seem so despicable? Is it because insomnia is reaching epidemic proportions? Did it start, when the day became divided into equal amounts of day and night? Or how about with the introduction of artificial lighting? We have been marching zombie-like, arms outstretched, eyes half shut, toward a 24/7 world of shift work, non-stop stress and all-night shopping channels. And then wonder why a large segment of the Canadian population over the age of 15 meet the criteria for insomnia. It's disturbing the number of sleeping pill prescriptions {42 million} that were filled in 2005 and it's up 60% since 2000. A few hints to help you sleep:
* dim the lights before bed - two hours ahead in possible while you do something relaxing {listen to music, take a bath}
* keep a regular wake-up and bedtime schedule
* make sleep a priority. banish all electronics - the television, computer, smartphone - from the bedroom
* and if you must get up in the night for that 'call of nature' do not turn on an overhead light as that can disrupt the body clock.

And if all that fails I guess the final solution would be to purchase a $93,000.00 {not a typo} Hastens' Vividus king-size mattress made of horse hair that's been harvested from black stallions from Argentina. Because according to Nicolas Vardon the sales associate at the Hastens store "you won't feel like you're in a bed, it will feel like you're floating."

Sleep well, my friends



Becky said...

YES and it really WHOMPS having LOST that hour while on vacation...
oh well, can't say I really notice a big difference other than enjoying that "extra hour " of light at the end of the day
