Tuesday, March 29, 2011 | By: Anita

Faith or Love

As I've been thinking about my next tattoo, I've been contemplating a Chinese symbol, which according to my son, is very cliche. However I like them, and if I'm going to get another one it should be something I like, shouldn't it?
So faithful readers, which do you prefer?
Faith? or love? I like the idea of of the symbol of faith. It could give me the opportunity to share my faith. On the other hand the love symbol could be a gentle reminder to do just that - love. mmhmm still not sure... . .. maybe I should get both?



Candice said...

which do you find harder to do?

Becky said...

my question is where are you going to put i? you are soone going to run out of space...LOL
either is a good message to share, I guess if you can read chinese...
