Wednesday, March 9, 2016 | By: Anita

Excuses . . . Excuses

It was a little over 6 years ago that I started on a new life-regimen. I found out a long list of allergies to foods and cut them all out of my diet. Completely. Cold turkey. No sugar. No dairy. No wheat. No eggs. And those are just the major things on the ever-so lo-o-o-o-ng list.

But I was determined ~ I was sick of feeling sick and tired of feeling tired. So I ate exactly the way I was supposed to eat. I lasted 6 months. The best part? Not only did I feel better, but I lost 25 pounds. 

And then life began to happen… 

And here I am years later. Back at the beginning. I don’t feel too great, and well, we won’t talk about the weight gain. 

But see, I can always provide myself with a excuse. Things have been rough. Extra stress, finding balance in a busy world, extra loneliness, bad weather or I simply like my wine.
Who knows.

I can give myself a list of reasons to not stick to what makes me feel better..  Let’s face it. My reasons might be valid. I DO have stress and life is hard and blah, blah, blah. So I have issues. I mean, who doesn’t? Or perhaps I am the only one?

But I want to feel better, like right now! And I’ve simply been making myself worse. How stupid. How weak. How pathetic. How typical. Really it’s the issue of just plain not doing what is right for me. So it's time to get back on track and start doing what is right and not tire of it because I have to remember that God will make everything right in the end. {Romans 8:28}

Take Care