Friday, March 4, 2016 | By: Anita


Have you ever wanted things to stay the same? You know, just for a year. Maybe even a few months!  Like most people, change is hard for me. I like the comfortably predictable and the gentle rhythms of routine. 

2015 brought an abundance of opportunities for us to embrace change. 

Most of the changes were pursued and wonderful. . . the hubs started a new job, one we had been praying for. We moved to town, which I was super excited about {oh not the packing and the organizing and the donating and the discarding}, but being in town is absolutely wonderful! And then the best change - our first grandchild arrived in October and he is ever-so precious! As much as the changes we experienced are blessings ~ there were still some adjustments to make! 

The reality is we all face change every day.  Whether it is in our own lives, the lives of loved ones, or in the world we live in . . . change is part of life. 

Through all these changes, God has taught been teaching me to be content
We can embrace the changes in our lives because God is constant and His plan is unchanging.  {Psalm 33:11}  And we can find the goodness in these changes because His grace is sufficient to carry us through. {2 Corinthians 12: 9} 

Sometimes our minds, influences, circumstances, and thoughts can waver in the storms of change, but we can find comfort in the One who does not change, who will stand firm, for He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. {Hebrews 13:8}

How will you be content as you embrace the changes this year will bring?

Take Care


Anneliese said...

I like what you said in that we can embrace the changes in our lives because God is constant and we can find the goodness in these changes because His grace is sufficient. I often have a hard time with changes, so I need to remember this too.