Tuesday, May 14, 2013 | By: Anita

Rhythm of the rain

Each morning I sit here at the computer and I read the blogs that I love. And their words encourage, enlighten and uplift me. But when it comes time for me to write I sit here and think and think and think and then think some more. It seems there’s nothing new to say and everyone else says it better anyway. And when I write out my truth, and others are hurt by it, then I feel like I need to defend my feelings, my opinions, and my speculations. So I compose a lot of posts in my head as I wash dishes, mow the lawn, fold the laundry and talk long walks down a quiet country road.

It’s been a hard few months for me. Some days, it has been a struggle to just keep my chin up and keep going.

If someone asked you what keeps you going, what would you say?

I imagine answers like:
I get enough sleep each night.
Eating healthy.

Maybe even a few I don’t knows.

I woke up this morning to see the sky heavy with rain clouds and with a long to-do list sitting on the table, to say I was frustrated is an understatement, ah well. .. … . As I turned away from the window I caught a glimpse of a rainbow peeking through the sky giving me a gentle reminder that just when you think you know what to expect, God gives us something spectacular. Something special. Something out of reach. An unexpected blessing to add to the ordinary.

For me, things are good when the house is clean and most importantly, when that annoyingly long list of never-ending chores can be stroked off. So I am not going to think about the HUGE to-do list I have waiting for me. I am not going to think about the laundry, the lawn, the dishes, the emails, the garden, the bills, or the errands. I am going to remind myself of Jeremiah 29:11 {New International Version (NIV)} “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”.

As I listen to the rhythm of the falling rain, I will give thanks and learn to delight in all of God's gifts; with rain being one of them!
