Monday, May 13, 2013 | By: Anita

On Top

According to Indian folklore the phrase “top of the totem pole is indicative of the most common belief of ordering importance, that the higher figures on the pole are more important or prestigious.  There’s a long-standing joke in our family about who of my kids is my favourite and therefore at the top of my totem pole.  When one would do something nice for me, the others would relentlessly tease them that their just trying to dislodge the other who believes it's in their rightful place to be at the top. As a mom, I truly love all my kids the same and while we do tease each other from time to time regarding the alleged totem pole it never hurts to reference it when I need to get something done.

Yesterday, truth be told, my son-in-law found his way to the top of my list. Since the kids are married it only makes sense that they have to divide their time with both families, and since they spent Mothers day with us last year it was only fair that they spend this year with his family. I was pleasantly surprised when they not only showed at the farm but came bearing these.
Darcy too, was able to come for supper and we certainly enjoyed our time together, the only way it could have been more perfect was if Kyle and Teya could have been here as well. But with them living in Orillia, they did the next best thing and called.

And then the piece de resistance, Gerard wrote me a poem - and so, with his permission:
The Son-in-law Poem
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I've got a mother-in-law
And so do you

But the only difference between you and me
Is mine is incomparable and the best there can be
You call yours granny, and I call mine mother
But mine is one of a kind and like no other

She's got spikey red hair that could poke you and die
And to be honest, she's not too hard on the eyes
She's the 45 year old who everyone talks about and says
"She must be a trophy wife, married 25 years? No way!"

Her name is Anita, but she's also known as Spunky
Oh wait, we also call her Steve, Mom, and Monkey
My name is Gerard, and my mother-in-law is the bomb
She is the only woman, I'm lucky enough to call my other Mom.

I Love You!


Well, that sure made my cry and ended up giving him the top position on the totem pole - that is if there was one. ~ I guess I should remove my stinky-boy comment from the other post ~

Thank-you Krystle & Gerard, Kyle & Teya and Darcy - you made this Mothers Day the best one yet!



krystle ann-marie said...

Love it! I married that romantic & thoughtful man. ;) The flowers were MY idea, by the way. :)

Becky said...

Lol, What a wonderful little lovely poem.
And an even more special surprise.

Enjoy the flowers