Friday, May 3, 2013 | By: Anita

My words

For years I kept silent. Growing up I thought ~ what probably a lot of us thought ~ that ‘good’ girls didn’t share their ideas, opinions or observations about anything. And heaven forbid if we would disagree.. ..

I thought that what I had to say just didn’t matter. I struggled with voicing my concerns or making waves in any and all relationships or social settings; learning early on that keeping quiet and just following/agreeing with others would make life easier. Not better. Not worthwhile. Just easier. I told people in my life what they wanted to hear or at least what I thought they wanted to hear in order to keep the peace. I did things that I wasn’t interested in doing, and said things that were expected of me.

As I’ve grown older and perhaps a little wiser I’ve learned that using your voice for yourself is not selfish. It is not conceited nor is it bad. While I am not a confrontational person by nature, I found that by not using my words I wasn’t living an authentic life. It might feel selfish, but we all deserve to speak our minds and communicate with the world what we want.

Sometimes life can get messy. A lot of people simply suppress their thoughts/feelings down inside and bury them. By not dealing with them and letting them out at the time, all you are doing is making things worse in the long run. Denying them does not make them disappear. If we keep sacrificing them for everyone else ~ what will we be left with?

Think about that for a second.  

If you never speak up for yourself ~ never go after what you want, never set boundaries for what is ok for you, what are you left with?

The answer? Nothing. Well, nothing but bitterness, lack of confidence and a strong feeling that you are not worth it.

Why is it so hard to say what we feel? Why is it so hard to speak up for ourselves?
You matter. I matter. Your thoughts, your dreams and your needs matter. So do mine!

If I am to an authentic life I need to Use. My. Words.
