Wednesday, August 31, 2016 | By: Anita

God > Social media

I am easily distracted. And these days it's been harder than usual for me to stay focused.  

My desire to remain almost constantly "connected" to social media is huge.  I’ll even find myself checking my phone when I am with my family….. uh, 
this is not how I should be spending our time when we're together. 

It's something I’ve known for a while but have refused to say out loud or even admit to myself.

I love Facebook, Instagram and yes Pinterest. {I'd probably be addicted to Twitter and Snapchat too, if I understood it better.}

But the truth is more like, I am consumed by it. {uncomfortable squirm}

In my mind, I think I have very good reasons for checking Facebook, clicking through Instagram and searching Pinterest. Often.

But here’s the thing. When I turn to Facebook/Instagram/Pinterest before turning to God, there's a problem.

For many days, okay maybe weeks, um let's be honest, it's been months, I would open Facebook and then Instagram and then Pinterest before doing anything else. Even on those mornings when I’d have my devotions first, I'd quickly read through it never pausing long enough to allow God’s word to sink into my heart. Because I needed to check social media.

Seriously! What’s more important? What God has to say? Or what someone has posted?

We all have the same 24 hours in a day and we make time for the things that are important to us. 

So, I’ve made a decision. One I’ve done before, but I've lost my focus again… I’m sharing it here to help me stay accountable.

I will put God above Facebook. Above Instagram.  Above Pinterest.  Above anything and everything. 

God wants my best. Not the rest.

Now this may not be a concern for you and by no means am I saying that Facebook is bad. Nor is Instagram or even Pinterest, Twitter or Snapchat.  But, like most every thing, it has potential to be really good, or really bad!

So, for me, when I awake I will turn to God first. I will spend at least thirty minutes in the Bible and in prayer before doing anything else, including {and especially} social media of any type. 

For the next 21 days {the time it takes to form a new habit}, I'll be searching through His Word, and seeking His advice and checking in with Him and hopefully the pull of social media will begin to wane.  

Is social media taking up lots of your time? 

It is up to us to let the Holy Spirit lead us so that our choices are righteous and our lives maintain a Jesus-glorifying balance. 

Take Care