Friday, January 23, 2015 | By: Anita


Worry: To torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts; fret.
There is not one positive thing about worry…
Anguish. Misery. Uncertainty. Uneasiness. Woe. Perplexity. Torture. Irritation. Distress.

We worry, we fret, we become perplexed. Mostly about things we have no control over.

We worry about our kids. Our Parents. Money. Jobs. Meetings. About our health, our home, our safety, about “what ifs,” and on it goes…. We have much to worry about. But, most of what we worry about never happens, does it?

Does worrying do us any good?

Worrying takes its toll on our health, our lifestyle, our relationships, and our performance in many areas. And probably even more than we realize.

So, tell me, why do we do it?

Nothing seems to steal our joy quicker than worry. This last month has been stressful to say the least. I couldn’t make sense of it. Ever been there? It’s tough, isn’t it? My circumstances might not change, but I will choose to rise above them.

I’ve heard the saying, “If you worry don’t pray, and if you pray, don’t worry.” Simple, yet easier said than done.

But because God is in control of all things,
and because He will never turn His back on you or me,
and because He is good, even when life isn’t,
we can trust Him.

We can still have joy.

So, what do we do? What can we do the next time we are tempted to or catch ourselves worrying? What do you do?

There will always be opportunities in our lives to worry, but when we find ourselves in those situations let us be reminded of: Romans 8:28 {New International Version {NIV}}And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” and Joshua 1:5b {New International Version {NIV}}I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Today, let’s not let our joy be robbed by anything. Especially worry. And if you catch yourself worrying ~ pray, read Scripture, go for a walk, or do whatever works to stop yourself.

Take Care


Debra said...

I find myself getting into trouble when I think to much. What started out as a thought can quickly turn into a worry when I let my imagination run wild.