Monday, January 12, 2015 | By: Anita


ah, mondays.  a day we all love, right?  back to work, back to the daily grind, back to “real life”.

poor mondays; such a bad rep. hated by many, dreaded by the majority. mondays can be hard.  inboxes are full and to~do lists are long.   but mondays are 1/7 of our lives, so we might as well learn to enjoy them!

if you are like me at all, maybe you want your mondays to be more than just a complaint. more than a collection of all the things that can go wrong. more than a wishing the day away. 

it’s all about perspective.

today is a brand new day.  an opportunity.  we can let monday be the day we start our week off right. by making a decision to make the most out of what comes our way.  and decide to let go of those things that aren’t good. to start by being thankful for the days we are given ~ regardless of how they turn out.  it can be a day of looking for the good.  maybe this monday is about creating the kind of life you want by taking it one day at a time.

mondays are beginnings. and the best part about beginnings is that we get to start over.

it's monday.  it’s too easy to fall into a dissatisfied routine of living that is fixed on the ordinariness and of the mundane.  dusting, washing, grocery shopping, scrubbing the toilet, sweeping, fixing dinner ~ lather, rinse and repeat day after day and it’s easy to be discontent.   especially when we are fed by billboards, advertisements, tv, movies, magazines that everything has to be awesome! or epic!! or totally amazing!!! for it to have value.

i don’t know about you, but i want to be thankful for what i have. where doing the daily ‘stuff’ has purpose and value.  where its ok to love the ordinary, to find happiness in the mundane and not feel like i need more.

Anyone else out there feel this way?

i need to be reminded ~ regularly ~ to stop waiting for the perfect moment and to start enjoying each moment i’m given and to embrace the day.

maybe you’re spending your monday wishing it were a different day.

and it can be, you know.
today is the day.
and it is what you make of it.

hello monday, i’m glad you are here.

take care


krystle ann-marie said...

I actually don't mind Mondays. It's a quiet relief from our usual busy weekends.

Debra said...

I'm finding the older I get the more I like Mondays. I like the fresh beginning of a week and the excitement or sometimes chaos it will bring. It's a whole week of possibilities.

Anneliese said...

Love this! Such good thoughts! Why do things have to be totally amazing for them to have value? I feel like the generation that had to take good care of things (out of necessity) has learned a lot more about value than the one that gets new thing all the time.
I have a friend whose favorite day is Monday. It's a decision we can all make.