Saturday, January 10, 2015 | By: Anita

Back on Track

We’re already ten days into the New year ~ made any resolutions? chosen your one word? or have you just gotten back on track?

I am the probably the worlds’ best procrastinator. My motto lately has been “why do it today when it can wait until tomorrow” and sadly I’ve been doing just that. Since I am at home full-time, I find myself leaving the laundry to pile up on the hamper, not bother with the cleaning {since it just gets dirty again}, and the dishes? oh goodness, I’ll let those silly dishes pile up until the counter is full. I’ve gotten behind in doing the bookwork ~ again and I’ve lost the motivation for going walking. But it’s a New year and there’s no better time than now to get back on track.
I’ve gotten into a very good habit of reading my devotional every morning, getting the laundry done each week, doing a little bit of cleaning throughout the day, and each night we’ve been washing and putting away all those pesky dishes. This week I sat myself down at the computer and got the bookwork done, and now I’m right up to date. Finding the motivation to walk has been a lot harder ~ with the stormy weather and cold winds I find that I’d rather just stay indoors. So when Krystle invited me to come and walk the trail with her it was all the motivation I needed…

Take Care