Friday, December 5, 2014 | By: Anita

Still being intentional...

It’s almost the end of my year of being intentional. This is an area that the Lord has been teaching me and refining me and I am definitely still “in progress”.  A very practical way to achieve this was through my use of words. Why, when, and how I used my words ... and how my tone is just as important as my choice of words.

I'm a words girl. I place great value in not only the spoken, but also in the written word as well. I love how words can be beautifully strung together in a way that move us to think deeper.

But I’m a slow writer. Painfully slow. The words don't come easily for me. I think a lot. I mean ALOT.

I want my voice to be true, my words sincere. So I try not to rush the process. I take my time, often only discovering what I truly think or feel as I'm writing it out. This “free therapy” is neither quick nor painless, but it’s {usually} oh-so-worth-it.

Backspace is my closest friend, since I seldom get it right the first time. I edit, chop, change, add, remove, abandon, start over... I rarely end up where I thought I would when I started.


But using my words to talk? Now, that’s a whole other story. I gotta be honest here: I hate that talking lacks the luxury of time and backspace.
When I feel uncomfortable, or want to say something important or meaningful, or attempt to share something vulnerable, I can never find words ~ the right words ~ quickly enough. I pause at great length. I hesitate. I sit silently. I get awkward. I mean like really awkward. My mind trips over itself, trying and failing to find the best words to say what I mean.

I want my words to be fitting to the situation and to the person I am talking with. So what should I do? How can I speak words of life, joy, peace, and love in my day-to-day life? How can I be better prepared for the times when I am unaware that the temptation to speak otherwise is just one slip of the tongue away? How might my family & friends be recipients of grace through my words?

I want to get better at using my words ~ written or spoken. I want to be more aware of my thoughts, and less afraid of my own voice. I want to speak and write with honesty, live an authentic life, and to be intentional.

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O LORD, my rock and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14 {New Living Translation {NLT}}
