Sunday, December 28, 2014 | By: Anita

Kick the Bucket

Anyone remember this?

When I wrote my version of a bucket list, I didn’t have a plan in place for how exactly how some of these items would happen. It was quite interesting watching as these different events/activites occurred. Some happened the way I thought, others not so much, and some… well they didn’t happen at all, and you know what? ~ that’s ok too! But what’s most interesting, well to me anyway ~ is that while my intent was to step out of my comfort zone and try some new things I ended up trying others ~ it just goes to show you that we can make all the plans we want, but that doesn’t mean it’ll happen.

So here’s the list and I’ve linked-up some posts to give you an update of what I`ve accomplished.
Develop a better discipline in my life by spending time in God’s Word each day. Reading a daily devotional and writing my thoughts each day {or sometimes two in one day - because let’s be honest here, some days I forgot}
Attend a music concert. Went to an NHL game.
Participate in a 10K run with my girl.Walked the Macnaughton/mMorrison trail {11K}
Learn to say “no” without feeling guilty. This is still and will likely continue to be a work in progress!
Continue blogging at least two or three times a week.
Take a road trip with girlfriends. 
My mom, sister, daughter & I went to Port Huron for a weekend of shopping.

Serve in my community {food bank, church, library} July, EBC hosts a daycamp where I volunteered to serve in the Kitchen elective
Get this tattoo. Adding this to 2015.
Make a difference in someone’s life.
Stepped out of my comfort zone and made a friend.
Write a book. Made my parents an 50th anniversary book.
Learn something new {language, skill, craft}.  Spent time with my girl making cards.

Get my belly button pierced. Adding this to 2015.
Read 150 books in the year. {on book 98}

Ride the train. Took a ferry ride when we supported our girl for her marathon. 



G-man said...

None of those count! ;)
Your not allowed to just change the things on your list... i'm pretty sure that's against the rules.