Friday, December 19, 2014 | By: Anita

Scheduled Rest

It’s late. I’m exhausted. And yet I can’t fall asleep.

My husband is upstairs and has been for the past several hours. And my brain is running 100 miles an hour over a to-do list. So I got up again, trying not to wake the snoring bear, and write down a list of these things hoping that having them on paper is the answer to getting the sleep I need.

I’m not a creative night owl {maybe you are?}. I’m actually the girl that requires about 8.5 11 hours of sleep to feel human and prefers to get all of her creative and business work done mid-day ~ because I am not a morning dove either.

More often I find that the creative juices really get flowing in the middle of the night. It’s the time where ideas are generated and when my mind is still and peaceful. Where it’s free to wander and dream. It’s during these times of rest when I really feel connected to God on a deeper level.

And yet, too often I find that I avoid resting during the day by:

reading this mindless article we found on Facebook
glaring at Pinterest trying to force a spurt of creativity
simply staring at the to-do list, overwhelmed
rushing from one activity to another
never saying no, even when we know we should
tackling every thing on the to-do list as if the world depended on us to finish.
Perhaps we may need to schedule a rest. Or have it scheduled for us! … like the past two Wednesdays when we found ourselves without hydro for the afternoon. 
If that doesn’t slow you down, I don’t know what will. It seemed like a bit of a test for me. What will I do now since I cannot sit at the computer ~ checking in with Facebook, looking up more fun things on Pinterest, doing the books, e-mailing and writing?

Yet when we rest we are able to take a closer look at what we think, where we spend our time and how we go about our days. Being more intentional about our whole purpose!

What are some ways you can create rest during the busy season, even with the power still on?
