Tuesday, December 16, 2014 | By: Anita

Are you ready?

There are only nine shopping days left… {counting today}

Are you ready for Christmas?

I think I was asked that seven times the other day. And each time I wanted to respond with

“do you mean

… are we done with our shopping?

… have I finished started the Christmas baking?

… is the tree up and the house decorated?

… were the Christmas cards mailed?”

Or do you mean, is my heart ready to prepare Him room?

Is it that people really don’t know what Christmas is all about? Or do they not know what else to ask at this super-crazy-busy time of year?!?

Each year I watch my favourite Christmas classics and each year Charlie Brown’s friend Linus reminds me what Christmas is really all about.
It causes me to pause and smile.

So, am I ready?

On the outside, it may look that I am with our tree, decorations, presents, baking, Christmas cards sent, etc.

But my heart? I think it needs a little more preparation.

I plan to spend these next few days preparing this heart of mine by reading the account of Jesus’ birth in the book the Luke, praying, and keeping the truth of Christmas in front of me. I desire to celebrate my Saviour’s birth with joy, peace and gratitude.

What do you base “ready” on?



Anneliese said...

That question always bothers me too . . . especially when it's cashiers and dentists etc asking it. How do you explain when you know what they mean, and they are not looking for a profound answer?