Friday, April 19, 2013 | By: Anita

Spring Cleaning

I just don’t understand.  I wait and I wait. I leave food out. I even ask nicely. And still, the cleaning fairies don’t come to my house.
They don’t visit. They don’t call. And they certainly don’t wash the sink full of dishes or even fold my laundry.

It doesn’t make sense. I’ve seen those commercials ~ the ones with the bubbles?
The bubbles that talk AND CLEAN YOUR BATHTUB WHILE YOU’RE GONE? It turns out those animated bubbles aren’t real. Yeah. I know. The shock, it is unbearable.

I’ve tried some fancy cleaning products. You know what happens when I spray my bathtub and walk away? White streaks appear in my otherwise Not White tub. Granted, the bathroom briefly smells lovely, but my porcelain {and plastic} is certainly not sparkling.

So, in case you’re just now joining us, my house is being visited by neither cleaning fairies nor magical cartoon bubbles. And since that leaves the cleaning business to me, my house is kind of um, well. .. ...  . filthy.

Not messy. At least, not always. I can usually keep the clutter at least tamed, if not permanently eliminated. But actual cleaning? The kind that requires spray bottles, sponges, rags and brooms? Yeahhhh, I hate it. And so I haven’t been doing it.

Last fall, I thought I had a solution. I decided to go back to work, hoping to encourage the hubs to step up to the plate and start helping a little more around the house with the household chores.

Needless to say he would try and while he kept most of the dust bunnies at bay ~ they continued to multiply and ultimately ended up creating more work for me.

Unfortunately, men, or maybe it’s only my husband doesn’t seem to have the same sense of what ‘clean is’ that I do ~ he just didn’t clean my house the way I wanted. Which is ironic ~ considering I’M not cleaning my house the way I want, either.

So, now I’m back to cleaning my own house {er, not cleaning it.. . .. }.



Becky said...

Spring cleaning..... what is that ?
I have done done spring cleaning since I don't remember when... if it is dirty.... wipe it, spider web ...sweep it, cluttered pick up. and all that ONLY if it is necessary...

U have taught me well Bliss